Bulk ferment.

Tuesday, 29 March 2011 § 2 Comments

In my note to the readers that accompanies my upcoming colloquium paper, I refer to the piece (a draft of my dissertation prospectus) as “still in bulk ferment stage (nb: baking metaphor).”  (I think I’ve overused the perfunctory “This is still very much in progress…”) I feel like my weekly bread turned out a lot better than my written work this weekend; can’t I just submit these loaves in lieu of my paper??

"Final rise, or, Lit Review"

"Dusted and scored, or, Methodology"

"Boule, or, Archival Sources"

"I sliced it too soon, nom nom nom, or, Contributions to Other Fields."

I think we’d all be better off this way.

§ 2 Responses to Bulk ferment.

  • barefootrooster says:

    YES. my version of this? to submit a sweater (committee chair-sized, of course) with colorwork displaying an American West landscape scene, complete with a frolicking bufffalo, in lieu of an exam. Or since that one’s done (holy cow!), my dissertation?

  • barefootrooster says:

    also, that bread is BEE-YOO-TI-FULL.

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